

It’s time to move beyond a single focus on culture or compliance. Our workplace safety consultants assess and enhance your health and safety with a complete capability lens.

To be able is to have skill, proficiency or intelligence, and the power, means or opportunity to do something. To be capable is to have the ability, capacity or potential to do it.

At fr&nk, we consider capability as an emergent property arising from the multiple systems, practices, skills and cultural nuances — resulting in the ability, capacity or potential to function effectively in complex, dynamic and interdependent environments.

When it comes to the dynamic nature of work, individuals and teams in the workplace, it’s critical to have the capability to ensure safe and healthy workplaces.

Case studies

We work in health and safety across a broad range of industries, from education to energy and everything in between.

Project Timeline | 14 Months

Project Timeline | 6 Months

Project Timeline | 24 Months

What we do

We recognise companies are constantly balancing and optimising different, and often competing, strategic goals and priorities. Achieving safe and healthy working conditions adds to the management complexity for many organisations — particularly those with high-risk profiles.

Within this challenging context, companies need health and safety capability to meet their ethical, legal and moral obligations. It also makes for good business.

As capability leaders, we help organisations understand current capability across the three core elements of our Health and Safety Capability Model — systems, customs and people. We measure potential against three key dimensions and provide a pathway to build greater capability.

Proud partners

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